Library Staff Spotlight: Erica and Shirley

Thanks for joining us in this week’s Library Staff Spotlight! Today, you will meet Erica Cole and Shirley Harris. 

Erica Cole

Library Blog: What is your job title and department? What is your location if you don’t work in the Jackson campus library? 

Erica Cole: Library Assistant – Germantown Campus.

LB: What are your job responsibilities? 

EC: I assist the campus librarian with technical tasks, along with instructional and research services. I also provide assistance with use of library resources and electronic databases, as well as charge and discharge circulating library materials.

LB: How long have you worked for Union’s library? 

EC: 14 years.

LB: What did you want to grow up to be when you were a child?   

EC: Salon Owner.

LB: What’s a fun fact about yourself or a hidden talent that you possess?   

EC: I can draw sketches.

LB: What would be your dream vacation? 

EC: I want to visit various Caribbean islands in one trip.

LB: What is your favorite book quote? 

EC: “You are the best person to do what God has called you to do.” –You’re Born an Original (Don’t Die a Copy) by John Mason

LB: What is on your TBR (to be read) list? 

EC: Crazy Faith: It’s Only Crazy Until It Happens by Michael Todd.

LB: What is the last book you read?   

EC: Daddy and the Sugar Monster by Erica N. Cole.

LB: What is your favorite movie? 

EC: Sister Act/Sister Act 2.

LB: What do you love most about working at Union’s library? 

EC: I love the atmosphere and being able to help faculty, staff, and students.

Shirley Harris

Job Title/Location: Germantown Campus Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Services, Professional Librarians

Job Responsibilities: Duties include providing research assistance and instruction; selecting materials and maintaining our collection; promoting the use of library materials; Interlibrary Loan; and circulation.

Years of Service: 17 years

We are thankful she is part of the team!

Book Review: Motivation and Self-Fulfillment by Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell

Motivation and Self-Fulfillment by Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson is a self-help book that encourages readers to reflect on their own motivation and discover their identity. According to the author, the theme of this book is, “Each individual is far more capable of accomplishing great things than he or she can even imagine – and understanding our own identity can enable us to more completely honor our potential.” Motivation and Self-Fulfillment contains recommendations that you can analyze for the best results. It also focuses on the choice of motivation and the choice of investing in yourself so that you will have a clearer understanding of yourself.

What I liked about the book?

I like that Motivation and Self-Fulfillment includes a chapter with questions that readers can ask themselves with the result of self-discovery.  This book motivated me to take time to reflect on my personal and professional life journey. I was able to notate key components to assist me with improving and motivating myself as well as my relationship with others.

Whether or not I would recommend?

I would recommend this book because the self-assessment recommended in this book can lead to the motivation needed to have a more fulfilling life in all areas, personally and professionally.

You can find Motivation and Self-Fulfillment as an eBook through Union’s library.

Erica Cole‘s reviews reflect her personal opinions and not necessarily those of the library or university.

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