Featured Book: The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

The Woman in the Window is a best-selling debut psychological thriller by A.J. Finn. This book incorporates commentary on the importance of mental health and community into a suspenseful storyline filled with unpredictable plot twists.

Finn invites readers into the troubled world of Anna Fox, an agoraphobic woman, who spends her days spying on her neighbors from the safety of her home. Soon after getting new neighbors, Anna witnesses a disturbing event through her window and gets caught up in a web of secrets and lies that threaten her entire sense of reality. Readers will also ultimately question everything they thought they knew about truth and perception. The Woman in the Window is a must-read for fans of suspenseful and thrilling fiction.

You can find The Woman in the Window in our Recreational Reading section.

Hannah Freeland’s reviews reflect her personal opinions and not necessarily those of the library or university.