Genre Starter List: Classics

Have you been meaning to brush up on the classics? I think a lot of us have been perpetually, if we’re honest with ourselves. Here are some books that come to mind when it comes to refreshing or expanding one’s classic literature readership!

*All descriptions written by Darius Mullin.

Treasure Island

Perhaps the most iconic pirate story ever written, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is a classic coming-of-age story filled with buccaneers and buried gold.

Jane Eyre

In this story of intrigue and passion, the eponymous governess of Thornfield Hall finds herself more than interested in the brooding Mr. Rochester… but what secret is he hiding?

The Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes

Dive into the adventures of the world’s greatest detective and his faithful companion, Dr. Watson, in this collection of the Arthur Conan Doyle stories that have regaled generations of readers.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

It’s never too soon to reread the classic C.S. Lewis novel that kicked off the Chronicles of Narnia series, and it’s never too late to read it for the first time!

The Lord of the Rings

Considered by many to be the definitive fantasy series, The Lord of the Rings is a must-read. The trilogy may be daunting in length, but it’s worth it!

At the Back of the North Wind

Meet the author who C.S. Lewis famously said influenced everything he wrote. At the Back of the North Wind is just one of the worthwhile stories penned by George MacDonald.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Even if you’re not a sci-fi aficionado, chances are you’ve heard of this classic. Journey to the Center of the Earth is a fantastical tale of wonder and discovery by one of the fathers of science fiction, Jules Verne.

The Time Machine

Continuing with books by sci-fi legends, The Time Machine was the first novel by H.G. Wells. An immediate success, the book—which seems to have a bland title, until you realize that Wells invented the idea of a machine for traveling through time—remains a fascinating read today.

The Metamorphosis

In this short and bizarre novella, a young man wakes up in the morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a person-sized bug. A great read if you’ve been wondering what everyone means when they keep saying “Kafkaesque.”

Pride and Prejudice

The timeless classic by Jane Austen—Pride and Prejudice is a witty, comedic, and romantic story of Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of a country gentleman, and Mr. Darcy, a rich aristocratic landowner.

The Moon is Down

You’ve probably heard of John Steinbeck’s works Of Mice and Men or East of Eden. This lesser-known classic by one of the greatest American authors follows the plight of a small town that suddenly finds itself occupied by an enemy force.

Richard III

One of Shakespeare’s histories, Richard III follows the meteoric rise and fall of the cunning and devious titular character. Prefer to watch Shakespeare plays? The Hollow Crown rendition of Richard III features Benedict Cumberbatch at his absolute best in the lead role.

A Tale of Two Cities

One of Dickens’ most revered works, A Tale of Two Cities presents believable characters and social criticism against the backdrop of the chaotic French Revolution.

These are just some of the many worthwhile classic books that are available at the Union University Library. Craving more suggestions? Find more classic literature reading lists here and here. Happy reading!

Darius Mullin’s reviews reflect his personal opinions and not necessarily those of the library or university.

Reading List: Authors with February Birthdays

February may be our shortest month, but we still had several authors to choose from as we continued with our Author Birthday Read Aloud Series. This blog will include the ones featured on the library’s Instagram, plus a few others.

Langston Hughes was born on February 1st, 1901. I (Rachel) read three poems from The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Over 800 poems are featured in this book, and they’re written over a span of five decades.

Laura Ingalls Wilder was born on February 7th, 1867. Amber read a portion of On the Banks of Plum Creek, but we have several other titles written by her in our collection.

Jules Verne was born on February 8th, 1828. Darius read a portion from  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. If you like this book, you may also enjoy Daughter of the Deep, which drew inspiration from Verne’s classic tale and was written by Rick Riordan.

Jacqueline Woodson was born on February 12th, 1963. She mostly writes for children and adolescents, but adults can also enjoy and learn from her works. Some of her titles we have here are as follows: Brown Girl Dreaming, The Year We Learned to Fly, and Red at the Bone.

Marissa Meyer was born on February 19th, 1984. She is best known for her retelling of various fairytales. If you enjoy Little Red Riding Hood, I recommend reading Scarlet, which is part of her Lunar Chronicles series. If origin stories are what you’re in the mood for, I recommend Heartless. This delves into the world of Alice in Wonderland where we meet the girl that eventually becomes The Queen of Hearts. One of her most recent releases is Gilded and that gives us a story inspired by Rumpelstiltskin. It was one of my favorite books that I read in 2022. If you have interest in reading a little more, I give a brief description in this blog.

Last, but certainly not least, is W.E.B. Du Bois. He was born on February 23rd, 1868. While he is well known as the first Black American to earn a PhD from Harvard University, he is also credited for his work on sociology, history, and civil rights activism. Du Bois on Religion and The Social Theory of W.E.B. Du Bois are two of his works that we have in the Logos.

Which of these authors and titles have you heard of? Which ones do you think you’ll add to your TBR list? Hope you join us again next month as we feature authors that were born in the month of March.

Book Lovers Day

It’s an important day here at the Union University library! Most of the staff work here because of one united commonality, and that is our mutual love of books.

Here are some book recommendations from your friendly, neighborhood library staff:

Danielle Chalker, Circulation Student Assistant, enjoys historical fiction and the classics. She recommends this book:

Peace Like a River by Lief Enger

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Ruth Duncan, Circulation Student Assistant, is a fan of fairy tales and science fiction and recommends this book:

Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Cole Le Mahieu, Circulation Student Assistant, is a science fiction fan. He recommends this mind-blowing book:

Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle

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Hannah Shea, Circulation Student Assistant, likes most genres (but not horror). She recommends these two books:

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

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Enna Burning by Shannon Hale

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Grant Wise, Circulation Student Assistant, enjoys classics, and recommends this book:

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne


Susan Kriaski, Cataloging Associate, recommends witty and fun reads like this book:

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell

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Beth Lynn, Collection Development Coordinator, recommends these two books:

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

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The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

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Melissa Moore, Director of the Library, loves high fantasy and recommends this book:

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Stephen Mount, Library Systems Manager, enjoys true crime and classics and recommends these books:

The Man from the Train by Bill James

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Savannah Patterson, Public Services Librarian, is a fan of many genres. Her recommended books are:

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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Anna Poore, Technical Services Librarian, recommends this book:

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

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Jordan Sellers, Library Associate, likes fantasy and mythology and recommends this book:

Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

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Sarah Zornes, Evening Circulation Supervisor, is a fan of the science fiction and fantasy genres and recommends this book:

Steelheart, by Brandon Sanderson


What are your favorite books? Do you recommend any in particular? Let us know in the comments!