Featured Book: Our Table by Peter Reynolds

Best-selling author Peter Reynolds weaves a beautiful story about family and the importance of communication and connection in the book, “Our Table.” While written for ages 4 to 8, we can all gain great wisdom from reading this tender tale.

The story is told through the perspective of a child named Violet, who is troubled as she watches her family, distracted by technology and the interruptions of life, growing apart and spending less time together. They used to gather around the family dinner table to share daily experiences and love. Violet longs for those times.  Reynolds uses the concept of a shrinking family dinner table to illustrate Violet’s sadness and frustration. The less the family interacts around the dinner table, the smaller the table becomes. As Violet watches her family’s table become smaller as no one is using it, she devises this wonderful idea to incorporate everyone’s interests and strengths, and yes, technology, to bring them back together and rebuild that family table.

You can find “Our Table” in the Family Study Room of our library.