Library Collections: Periodicals Room

Tucked into a corner of the library, often forgotten or not even seen by library patrons, is our Periodical Reading Room. Also known as our deep quiet room, it is a cozy place with comfy chairs and perfect for studying. Whether you need to research for an upcoming paper or you simply want to catch up on the latest news, the Periodical Reading Room is meant to be enjoyed for hours. So, grab a cup of coffee from Modero and discover one of the many magazines and journals housed within it.

Below are listed just some of the many titles you can find in the Periodical Reading Room…

American Organist

Artist’s Magazine



Christianity Today

Communication Arts

The Economist



Library Journal

National Geographic

National Review

The New Republic

Paris Match

School Arts




YC: Young Children

Please note that magazines and journals cannot be checked out of the library. However, many of the titles can also be found online at We’re always happy to help you find what you are searching for at the Circulation Desk!

Library Collections: Juvenile Collection in the Family Room

The Family Room collection is my favorite part of the Logos. While its primary purpose is to aid education majors with finding resources to use for lessons, it’s a popular spot for several library users. You will often see adult students and/or Union faculty and staff with young children, as well as some tutoring or homeschool groups. The comfortable seating and the welcoming decorations make it an inviting space for traditional students too. Within the room, there are three distinct sections: easy (E), fiction (F), and nonfiction (number).

Easy-This section includes picture books filled with simple text and illustrations. While these books are listed as easy, they are full of life lessons and build a love of learning and reading.

Fiction-This might be what you think of when someone mentions chapter books.  We have selections for elementary through middle-grade students.

Nonfiction-These books are filled with information on a variety of topics, such as history, science, and technology to name a few. Please visit this blog about the 5 Kinds of Nonfiction if you want to know more about the titles we have here in the Logos.

Display-This is a special section that will combine books from all three main sections. My goal is to have between 25 to 30 books per topic, and I leave them on display for 4 to 6 weeks at a time.

This list includes some of the most recent additions to the Family Room collection:

 Memphis, Martin, and the Mountaintop: The Sanitation Strike of 1968

Building Our House


Mr. Ferris and His Wheel

Because of You, John Lewis: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship

Are Trees Alive?

Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears

Beak & Ally: Unlikely Friends

The Missing: Risked (Book 6 in series)

Library Collections: Faculty Development

Are you a faculty member or student interested in learning more about higher education or teaching? Then the Faculty Development Collection may be for you. The Faculty Development Collection is located on the 2nd floor of the library behind the restrooms. This collection is housed on shelves in the 2nd floor reading room, so there are comfy chairs and tables to use for reading or studying.  

The Faculty Development Collection includes books about being a faculty member at a university, teaching college students in all aspects of life, applying for grants, and developing scholarship. These books are available for check out by any Union students, faculty and staff members, and our community members with a library card.  

Here are some of the new books you will find in the Faculty Development Collection… 

Christian Scholarship in the Twenty-First Century 

Disaster Pedagogy for Higher Education: Research, Criticism, and Reflection 

Faithful Mind, Thoughtful Faith: Integrating Faith and Learning 

Instructor Social Presence: An Essential Tool for Online Student Engagement 

Theology of Higher Education 

Reforming the Liberal Arts 

Restoring the Vocation of a Christian College 

Library Collections: Media

When most people think of the library, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the books. And we do have a lot of those! But the Logos is also home to a substantial collection of media items, including DVDs, CDs, and even some cassette tapes. The Media Collection is located on the second floor of the library on the side of the building closest to the great lawn – right next to the Recreational Reads section.

The Media Collection serves as a catch-all repository for the media items in the library’s collection. As such, it includes a considerable variety of content, including audiobooks, psychology documentaries, recorded musical performances, several seasons of The Simpsons, Toy Story 1 through 4, Top Gun, and much, much more.

Media items are available for checkout by Union students, faculty, and staff. Don’t have access to a DVD or CD player? Or maybe you just want to watch/listen in the library? Visit the circulation desk to use our media viewing room or check out an external disc drive from reserves!

Here are some of the newest items you can find in the Media section…

10 Things I Hate About You

The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis

The Muppet Christmas Carol

We Thirst: Christian Reflections on Addiction

Royal Shakespeare Co: As You Like It

Library Collections: Reference

If you need reliable, comprehensive information for that looming midterm paper or senior thesis, one of the best places to start searching is in the Reference section on the second floor of the Logos. It’s located in the movable shelves on the northwest corner of the floor, close to the Technical Services offices and the beginning of the “A” section. Here, you’ll find dictionaries, encyclopedias, nursing and pharmaceutical indices, and other compilations of data from various academic fields.

An important feature of reference books is that they cannot be checked out of the library. This is to ensure that the wealth of information they provide is always available to anyone who needs it. Come take a look at some of the newest books added to Reference:

A New Critique of Theoretical Thought

A History of the Reformation

The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume VII: The Twentieth Century and Beyond

Tennessee Blue Book

AHFS Drug Information 2022

Biblical Hebrew: A Living Language

Library Collections: Recreational Reading

Most people visit the Union library for their academic needs, but there is much fun to be had for those who choose to peruse our Recreational Reading section! The Recreational Reading section can be found on the second floor in a corner near the windows next to the bell tower. The section includes books from a variety of genres for young adults and older adults.

Whether you enjoy fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, or non-fiction self-help books, the section caters to every person who takes the time to browse. If you spend time there, feel free to use one of the many comfy armchairs while you read. If you need a break from studying, be sure to check out our Recreational Reading section!

Here are some of the newest books you can find in the Recreational Reading section…

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Rules of Civility

The Book of Mysteries

Michael Vey: The Final Spark

Caraval trilogy

The Silver Tracks