Reading List: READ with the Math Department

Each year, Beth, our Collection Development Coordinator, works with a group on campus to create a READ poster. The poster features the group and a book of their choosing. This year, Beth asked the Math Department to participate. You can see their poster on display in the South Lobby of the Library. We also asked the Math Department if they would share their favorite thing about libraries and their favorite books.

What is your favorite thing about libraries or the Union Library?

  • “I like being able to browse a bookshelf.  Seeing physical books on a shelf allows me to find books that I would never have dreamed existed!  If you are searching in a database or searching the web, you have to know what to search for.  My mind is opened and horizons expanded when I browse a shelf.” ~ Dr. Bryan Dawson
  • “Libraries are full of books and I love reading books!  Reading and playing tennis are my favorite hobbies.” ~ Dr. Matt Lunsford
  • “The friendly and accommodating staff at Union’s library is what I most love there.”~ Dr. Chris Hail
  • “I appreciate making new discoveries by perusing the stacks.” ~ Dr. Troy Riggs
  • “For me, a library is a sanctuary of sorts. I find it particularly comforting to be surrounded by books and in the company of people who are collectively growing in mind and spirit. ” ~ Megan Murphy

What is your favorite book(s)?

  • “My favorite book is the one I wrote and am holding in the picture, Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue.  The thousands of hours working on the book represent a part of me, an investment of my life.  Often, my next favorite book is the one that I happen to be reading at the moment; right now it’s a Max Brand western novel from 1926.  Other favorites include a novel called Road to Nowhere by Paul Robertson, who also wrote An Elegant Solution, which is a (fictional) murder mystery involving famous mathematicians from the eighteenth century.” ~ Dr. Dawson
  • “It is difficult to choose just one title, but if I must… Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, with All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren a very close second.” ~ Dr. Lunsford
  • “One of my favorite books, other than the Bible, is C. J. Mahaney’s book on Humility.” ~ Dr. Hail
  • Chances Are … Adventures in Probability, written by Michael & Ellen Kaplan, is my favorite book on the impact of probability on science, religion, and philosophy.” ~ Dr. Riggs
  • “The Harry Potter series is my favorite. There’s no way I could pick one.” ~ Megan Murphy

Thank you to the Math Department for their support of the Library and reading. You can find many of their book recommendations in the Union Library.

Reading List: National Library Week 2022

Each year in April, we celebrate National Library Week. This year’s theme is “Connect with Your Library.” Libraries are great places to study, read, or meet up with friends. Libraries also have resources and services like research help, books, online articles, internet, and technology that connect people to each other and information. We would like you to connect with some of the people who work here in the Logos. We love libraries and want to share that with you.  

What do you like about the Logos and libraries? 

“Libraries are useful because they make readily available any information you might want to know.” ~Stephen Mount, Systems Librarian 

“I love the Logos because it is full of people – students mostly, but lots of faculty, staff, alumni, guests, visitors. The books and other materials are incredible resources, but the Logos reminds us that interactions with others about these books and other resources is the best education.” ~Dr. Dub Oliver, President of Union University 

“I love reading and all the learning that happens through books and at libraries.” ~Amber Wessies, Instruction Librarian 

“I like the generally quiet atmosphere. To be surrounded by shelves of books just waiting to be read makes me happy.” ~Jeannie Byrd, Technical Services Librarian 

“I like libraries because they give you a chance to build community. Plus, all the books!” ~Rachel Bloomingburg, Circulation Manager 

“I love the Logos because I worked in Union’s Library in the PAC for almost 25 years, wanting a beautiful space conducive for serious thought that matched the excellence of the service and collection in the old space. Now we have it!” ~ Melissa Moore, Library Director 

“I like libraries because they are a storehouse of information and a place of discovery.” ~Paul Sorrell, Creative Projects Manager 

“I love the way libraries foster community among those engaging in intellectual pursuits of all kinds and from many different walks of life!” ~ Darius Mullin, Evening Circulation Manager 

“The books available to read!” ~Savannah Patterson, Public Services Librarian 

“Libraries are important because of the many resources they offer communities, such as the information found in academic literature, access to technology, or even simply books for leisure reading. I especially appreciate the Logos for its role in providing these resources to our students and cultivating a space for study and collaboration.” ~Micah Rhodes, Cataloging Associate 

“I love the quiet atmosphere that is conducive for reading good books. Bonding with another person over a shared interest in a book always thrills me too.” ~ Sara Hand, Circulation Associate and Administrative Assistant 

“I have always loved books and libraries. As a child I read children’s fairy tales and Nancy Drew.” ~ Susan Kriaski, Cataloging Associate 

“Libraries are such a power source of information and essential! Our library offers such a wealth of resources including our staff, our wonderful facility, and our valuable resources. We are a vital part in the education of our Union students, preparing them for their chosen career paths.” ~ Beth Lynn, Collection Development Manager 

What is your favorite book? 

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald~ Stephen Mount 

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis ~Dr. Dub 

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder ~ Amber Wessies 

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ~Jeannie Byrd 

Even Now by Karen Kingsbury ~ Rachel Bloomingburg 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling ~ Melissa Moore 

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg ~ Paul Sorrell 

The 100 Cupboards by Nathan D. Wilson ~Darius Mullin 

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte ~ Savannah Patterson 

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ~Micah Rhodes 

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell ~ Sara Hand 

The Sunne of Splendor: A Novel of Richard III by Sharon Kay Penman ~Susan Kriaski 

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee~ Beth Lynn 

*Even Now and The Sunne of Splendor are available through Interlibrary Loan

Help us celebrate National Library Week by checking out one of your favorites.