Spotlight On CINAHL

Calling all nursing students and faculty: we have a great resource for you to use! CINAHL is a top database choice for nursing research. You can find articles from over 603 nursing and allied health journals including the publications from National League for Nursing and the American Nurses’ Association. There are articles for nursing, biomedicine, alternative medicine, consumer health. You can even find health care books, nursing dissertations, standards of practice, and audiovisual materials.  

To access CINAHL, use the link on the Finding Articles page of the Nursing Research Guide, or find the link listed alphabetically on the Databases, E-books, and Media quick link on the library homepage.  

CINAHL is hosted through EBSCO, which means you can search in CINAHL and other EBSCO databases like Academic Search Complete simultaneously. Searching in both databases will broaden your search and make your searching more efficient. Use the Journal Subset field filter in your search and the term nursing to narrow your search. For help finding articles in nursing journals, visit the Limiting to Nursing Journals page on the Nursing Research Guide.  

If you need help while researching in CINAHL or any of our other databases, please schedule a research coach appointment or contact a librarian and we would be happy to help.