Reading List: Authors with November Birthdays

It’s hard to believe 2023 is almost over and the fall semester is coming to a close. We have enjoyed celebrating author birthdays with you all. We would love to hear your thoughts on our Author Birthday Read Aloud series. Did you find out you share a birthday with an author? Did you discover a new author to read?

Well, the year is not quite over yet and there are still some great authors to celebrate. So, join me as we celebrate authors with birthdays in November.     

Susanna Clarke born November 1is best known for her award-winning books, Piranesi and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. She is also responsible for writing short stories in the Strange universe.

M.T. Anderson is an American fiction and nonfiction writer for all ages and was born November 4. Anderson has written award-winning books like Feed, Octavian Nothing, and the Pals in Peril series.

Bram Stoker was born November 8, 1847. He is most known for his haunting novel, Dracula. His other works include The Snake’s Pass, The Lady of the Shroud,and Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving.

Neil Gaiman is an English author born on November 10, 1960. His works include books like The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Coraline, and Don’t Panic: The Official Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Companion.

Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian novelist born on November 11, 1821. You may recognize him as the author of Crime and Punishment. He also wrote novels like The Grand Inquisitor, The Gambler, and The Possessed.

Melissa helped us celebrate Robert Louis Stevenson on November 13, by reading a couple of poems from A Child’s Garden of Verses. Stevenson is known for his many collections of poetry.

Chinua Achebe was a Nigerian poet and novelist born on November 16. Achebe is the author of one of the most widely translated African novels, Things Fall Apart.  He also wrote No Longer at Ease and numerous essays and short stories.

Christopher Paolini was born November 17, 1983. He is most known for his series The Inheritance Cycle which he began working on at age 15. He continues to publish books with some of his recent titles including To Sleep in a Sea of Stars and Murtagh.

Margaret Atwood was born on November 18, 1939. Atwood is known for writing The Handmaid’s Tale which has become a popular television show.  She also wrote Hag-Seed, a Shakespeare retelling, and The Edible Woman.

Ruta Sepetys was born on November 19. You may know her for The Fountains of Silence. Sepetys has also written Salt to the Sea,  I Must Betray You, and Between Shades of Gray.

As one of Jeannie’s favorite authors, she helped us honor George Eliot’s birthday on November 22 by reading from Middlemarch. Eliot also wrote Adam Bede,  Silas Marner, Daniel Deronda, and many others.

Children’s author and illustrator, Kevin Henkes was born on November 27. You might recognize Henkes’ works like Olive’s Ocean, Owen, and Chrysanthemum.

C.S. Lewis also shares a November birthday of November 29. Savannah helped us celebrate this well-known author by reading from The Chronicles of Narnia series. Lewis is the author of many other books including Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, and A Grief Observed.

Two well-known authors, Louisa May Alcott and Madeleine L’Engle, will wrap up our November celebrations with their birthdays on November 29. Alcott is the author of Little Women, A Long Fatal Love Chase, and Jo’s Boys. L’Engle is the author of A Wrinkle in Time, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and The Polly O’Keefe Quartet.

We hope you enjoyed celebrating authors born in November. Check back next month for December birthdays!

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